Sunday, January 25, 2009


Along with viewing the NJCCCS and the NETS standard, I wanted to comment that in the district I work for, we not only use them but are encouraged to put not only the core curriculum content standards in our lesson plan books for each course of the day, but also to include cross curriculum content standards which will include the technology standards as needed. In the global world we live in , all children should be using as much of the technology as possible. I also feel that most schools are still not implementing all the the standards soon enough in the students education process. I do hope they will soon catch up!


  1. Thanks for posting!

    You claimed, "all children should be using as much of the technology as possible."

    How true! In today's world, students need to be exposed to as many tools as possible.

    Great job!

  2. My district does the same we have to incorporate the NJCCCS in our everyday lesson plans but are not really encouraged to use the NETS. I actually had never heard of them until reading it in this course. Thanks for the great post to read about :)
