Saturday, April 11, 2009

Social Networking

Social networking is the new way of communicating with others. Years ago, we just called people, now we have Social Networking and use Facebook and My Space. Unfortunately students do not think they are vulnerable on these sites and they really should be encouraged to use the safeguards available to them. My feeling is that parents need to be educated about these sites and must do all they can to protect their children. Some parents however are too busy, (they should not have had children in the first place, if that is the case), or they do not care to educate themselves. I think the videos re-enforce the importance of students using all sites with extreme caution. At the risk of repeating myself, Videos showing precautions should be shown in schools more than once a year, so children can see the dangers. If these sites are used correctly they are excellent sources of socialization.
Potential employers do view Facebook and My Space pages and it is important for teenagers and college age users to be aware of what they post. I have a facebook page and as an older user don't post my day to day life on there. Believe it or not. NO ONE CARES about every little minutia of someones daily life. However, students are going to use these sites whether, teachers of parents like it or not, so it is imperative that safe guards are in place.


  1. You are demonstrating some very strong passion on "social networking", specifically as it relates to our early learners - good for you.

    Succinctly, your sentiments on vulnerability should be of great concern. In small ways, whether you are a parent or not, we should all take an active role in assuring the various social networks are utilized in the most constructive manner.

  2. I think you feel as strongly as I do about social networking sites. I really like that you said "No one cares about every little minutia of someones daily life." People are living on facebook and myspace and getting caught up in everyone else's business. There are good uses for these sites but people are abusing them. I find it sad that this is now acceptable behavior among teenagers and even some adults.
