Monday, March 2, 2009


After downloading Inspiration on my computer I had a little trouble accessing the help feature to demonstrate how to use it. I did, however watch the video segments that Dr. Luongo had suggested. I feel that the webs that can be created to help with writing skills will be beneficial and I was happy to see all the different kinds of outlines, etc that are available. As someone who encourages the use of webs when I teach writing skills, I was pleased to see how different techniques can be applied to other subjects as well. This can help tie into the cross curriculum core standards that many districts are now promoting.
I think this is a very good site for teachers to access. My first thought was that it would really benefit the students with learning disabilities to be able to structure their assignment. Looking further I feel all students can benefit from the organizational ability it affords them. I feel this is a useful site and I will try to implement it in my curriculum.


  1. I agree with you that this program can really help when teaching students with learning disabilities. It gives them the opportunity to create an assignment with their own structure and disciplines that can be focused on. My school uses the 6+1 Traits writing program and the one video that Dr. Luongo had examples of another teacher having used it with that. I think it could also be incorporated into many other subjects as well. Have fun implementing it into your curriculum. Thanks for posting!

  2. Thanks for your thoughts, Donna.

    You claimed, "My first thought was that it would really benefit the students with learning disabilities to be able to structure their assignment." You are correct. The visual aspect will help students with various learning styles and needs.

    As usual, a terrific blog posting! :)

  3. i keep thinking that the kidspiration soft ware was a little too basic and would be boring even for the kids in the lower elementary schools. your comment about using it for special needs was like a big wow for me! of course that would be perfect from a creative standpoint and from that of being able to entertain and hold attention by taking them into a non-traditional classroom approach.

  4. If used correctly, Inspiration can aid in many lessons. Take a look at Eddie's blog. He's been using it in his high school history classroom. :)
